Association for Educational Projects Limited (AEPL) aims to promote education of young women. Its educational activities focus on all aspects of human development. AEPL’s educational philosophy fosters the development of one’s character as a foundation for the acquisition of other virtues and skills.
Since AEPL’s inception thousands have participated in these projects, many of whom have gone on to become actively involved in schools, community organisations and professional associations.

Eremeran Hills
Eremeran Hills Study Centre organises a range of activities for young girls and women. These can include youth clubs (for girls in year 5 and above), weekly after school programs, study sessions, HSC seminars, supervised study, leadership conferences, personal coaching and community projects in Australia and abroad.
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Lowana is an educational centre for girls and young women in Penrith, Western Sydney.
Lowana provides a studious environment and offers tutorial assistance to facilitate academic development. It also encourages participation in sport and social outreach programs which contribute to a well-rounded education and inspire in students a desire to serve society.
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Heathgrove Study Centre
Heathgrove Study Centre offers activities for girls, young women and working people.
For girls in Year 5 an above, Heathgrove has a youth club. The club runs each Saturday afternoon and offers a blend of activities, sport, art and crafts, drama, cooking, etc.
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Merindah Study Centre
The study centre opened its doors in Brisbane in 2015. It offers study sessions, academic seminars and other activities for girls, university students and working people.
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